Espora, Brigantine, скачать с сайта - Корабль на столе

Espora, Brigantine

xBOINGx | 0 комментариев | просмотров: 14 | 1800 - 1900 год

  • Название:
    Espora, Brigantine
  • Размер:
    2,6 Мб.
  • Формат:
  • Категория:
    1800 - 1900 год
  • Автор:

Описание материала Espora, Brigantine

 Argentine navigator Luis Piedrabuena was cast away on the De los Estados Island in this vessel's 1873 shipwreck. With the wreckage he built the cutter "Luisito", with which he continued his voyage through the South Seas to establish Argentine sovereignty in the area. Thanks to his trading activity he became owner of the De los Estados Island, of a business in San Gregorio and, finally of a trading establishment in the province of Santa Cruz. In 1884, a few months before he was due to leave for Tierra del Fuego with the South Atlantic Expeditionary Division commanded by Commodore Augusto Laserre, he passed away in Buenos Aires city.
