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Stockpaerdt, Тъялк

xBOINGx | 0 комментариев | просмотров: 42 | 1800 - 1900 год

  • Название:
    Stockpaerdt, Тъялк
  • Размер:
    17,7 Мб.
  • Формат:
  • Категория:
    1800 - 1900 год
  • Автор:

Описание материала Stockpaerdt, Тъялк

 Stockpaerdt was built in 1890 by shipwright John Jacob Mulder shipyard of "The King's Gate" in Vierverlaten Hoogkerk town. I heard that was in this same year 1890 two other ships of the yard to water went. It was the Hubert and Marion Aagje. The latter is the current owner since 1918 in the ship's records to be found.
   Jacob Jans Mulder (* 15.09.1827 in Leek - † 14.10.1900 to Vierverlaten), shipwright, and from Groningen were married on May 10, 1850 with Fokkelina Wolters (* 10.03.1827 in Leek - 17 † -07-1915 in Groningen). He had since October 5, 1852 as a shipbuilder based in Vierverlaten-Hoogkerk the main route from the city of Groningen to Leeuwarden. 
   Jacob Jackson built his business in a few decades into a leading, modern shipyard, where home was built and open water. In 1887 he built here in the iron-like turn Skutsje boat "The Rot" [L 383 N] 
   Jackson and his son Jacob Wolter (* 17-02-1868 - † 29-03-1960), the yard "The King's Gate" in 1893 to over eight thousand pounds, acted as a mentor to many student-Friesian shipbuilders. Among the Drachtster January Oebeles van der Werff of Buitenstvallaat here ijzervak has learned. The other famous shipbuilding family Drachtster Roorda had several offspring who were employed at the yard. Pieter Jeens Roorda, the nephew of the shipbuilder Drachtster Bouke Roorda, this was such shipwright shipyard. This will also have received Bouke contact with the yard where the intricacies of the hardware it was taught. Wolter married on August 26, 1893 in Groningen, after taking over the yard, with Johnny Bright (* 04.10.1871 - † 17.03.1943). They have one son (Jacob) and one daughter (Anna Jantiena). 
   The ship was described in 1852 Register Dagregisterdeel 12 Number 10 on the February Eighteenth seven p.m. hundreds (18/02/1901) with undersigned Louwrens Bordewijk Louwerens Son, skipper, residing in Meppel sole owner of an indoor iron barge ship, called the "Four Brothers" service a deck and a mast, large barrels and one hundred eleven o'clock now lying in the yard of Gerrit John van Goor in Meppel. The ship is really the Baltic risks and according to tradition has carried such wood. 
   In 2244 Dagregisterdeel register number 142 is 15: The sixteenth January 1900 nineteen (16/01/1919) for me in January Dekkers Notary in the district to pitch Zwartsluis Zwolle in the presence of two witnesses after that. Compareerde: Mr Louwrens Bordewijk Louwerens Son, former skipper, and now no occupation living in Meppel. The person appearing declared to have sold and therefore to act in such property away and over to Mr. Nicholas Mandemaker Harm Son skipper resident in Zwartsluis, residing on board ship who co gecompareerd said to have purchased and purchase and transfer to to take the indoor iron barge ship called the "Four Brothers" which gives the buyer is now the name of "Hope of Blessing" wide by one hundred and eleven previous measurement and the latest measurement cubic meters or one hundred and thirteen ships with a payload of tons of one hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and seventy five kilograms, having a deck and a mast, built and home belonging to the Low Countries known in the registers of ships and vessels, based at the offices of register and ship mortgages evidence Asfen (Assen), under number 1852 Asfen nineteen and burned "in 1852 Asfen 1901" assemblies that ship with the ship's present inventory while in use wooden boat, and another one on which the seller declared the full and unconditional decision to have, as reported in his particular ship owner registry, clear statements of the property recorded in Meppel zestiende Februari one hundred seven p.m. (16-02-1901) and one for reporting and writing at the mortgage office eight tenths subsequent Part 7 February 1852 issue, ships and vessels. The parties agree that this purchase and selling is done for the sum of eight thousand nine hundred guilders. Lwz Signed L. Border District, N. Basket Maker, AB de Vries, AC de Vries Jr., J. Dikkers Notary. 
   In 2441 Daily Register Register Part 16 Part 209 specifies that on 13/05/1924 Nicholas Basket Maker Harm Son ship was sold to Henry the Good Son Henry and Derk the Good Son Henry, shipwright, both residing in Zwartsluis. For the price of five thousand one hundred and twenty five guilders. 

   In 2427 Daily Register Register Part 16 Part 220 specifies that in the presence of notary Atze Cornelis de Vries Junior in the Zwolle district, in place since the Zwartsluis said ship "Blessing of Hope" was sold on 02/09/1924 at January Koelink Berend Son, skipper Hoogeveen, for the sum of five thousand and four hundred guilders. The present witnesses Henry Bosch, sailmaker and Bernhardus Philips Voeman notary clerk being both residing in Zwartsluis. 
   On March 20, 1954 is the Hope of Blessing wrote the name of Berend Koelink skipper in Amsterdam. It was then described as a steel barge measuring vessel with 116,383 m3 for under, under rear, a spacious, one deck, a cockpit, with Deutz diesel engine No. zijschroefinstallatie. 290,754 applied to the koelingsbak, 14/16 hp. Once at the registry office of Naval Proofs burned to ashes and number 1852 in Assen in 1901. A8712 is discussed when tonnage certificate of 26/7/1935 and a notary deed of 27-8-24 of AC de Vries to Zwartsluis. The seller was in Amsterdam in January Koelink skipper. The price was 10,000 guilders included an iron boat. 
   On July 16, 1962 and trades Harm Snitjer owner residing in Groningen on the Occupation Hitting a 180 steel motor vessel named "Confidence" for the "Hope of Blessing" and Berend Koelink receive a cash payment of ? 50,000. 
   In 1962, Mr. Silver Lampe, son of the then owner of the famous fashion house Lampe ship captain Blessing of Hope Women Kommertje probably the wife of Berend Koelink bought. It was just like many inland, ashore rusting away. Mr. Lampe has spared no effort to turn this dismal weather a hull of a barge to create beauty. Among the famous naval architect architecture Henk Lunstroo is a beautiful salon built barge. There is a new Daf diesel engine with 102 hp and 575 engine numbers A 36,167 received. Mr. Lampe has renamed the ship in 't Stockpaerdt and at the helm he designed for the bronze statue of' t Stockpaerdt Socialists. A work of art. A fury of a horse. Hard to tame, just like the ship. The original handmade in the drawings are still on board ship and now digitized and are on this website. It was a hobby of carving abundant Mr. Lampe. 
   In 1991 the previous owner Karin Tonnes Rohrdiek-ship with the now marked with "3874 Lond B 1954 Mr. Lampe bought for the sum of 340,000 guilders. Louis Beintema was the skipper along with Karin and it operated the ship. He already had a dagcharterschip the Dollard. For years he searched for a worthy replacement and when he saw t Stockpaerdt he immediately sold. Louis and his wife Karin have until August 9, 2007 hazards. Just about every famous person is sometimes aboard 't been Stockpaerdt. Trucks with champagne at the Loosdrecht Lakes and the Vecht worked inside. Even our crown prince Willem Alexander, along with the then management of Fokker aircraft on a picture board to admire. One of the many multinationals that ship afhuurde regularly for relationship was Fokker. Entire aircraft were enjoying delicious drinks at the bar sold. The contracts were sealed with a greasy thumb print of the delicious eel Loosdrecht. 
   After August 9, 2007 is Sjors Chambon become the new operator. With new impetus and new ideas as he tries born host catering ideas to bring to the operation of this beautiful luxury saloon barge. The interior is changed only in details. Thus, the Chesterfield back on board and imagine you are in an exclusive men's club cigar-smoking public notaries and dignitaries gather. Own but come and see. 
PS smoke may enter but not out on deck.