Ships in scale №3, 1990, скачать с сайта - Корабль на столе

Ships in scale №3, 1990

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Описание материала Ships in scale №3, 1990

ELISSA, 1877, The Ship with the longest wake. By Tom Oertling
The Shipping Board Ships. By Bill Durham
U.S.S. WASP (CVS-18). A Modified Essex Class Carrier. By Bob Crawford
Model of Whaling Ship CALIFORNIA. By Roger Hambidge
Building the Lady Washington: Part 3 of 6. By Richard L. Miles
U.S.S. KIDD (DD-661), A Classic Fletcher in Baton Rouge. By Timothy C. Rizzuto
U.S.S. CONSTITUTION, Model Shipwright Guild of New England. By George Emit Kaiser
Museum Small Craft Association
Learning at Sea. By Captain Francis E. Bowker
