Ships in scale №5, 1996, скачать с сайта - Корабль на столе

Ships in scale №5, 1996

xBOINGx | 0 комментариев | просмотров: 13 | Книги, альбомы, атласы

Описание материала Ships in scale №5, 1996

USS NEW MEXICO (BB-40), Queen of the Fleet. Part 1. By Gordon P. Boutwell
Modeling a Sixth Century Irish Ocean-going Curragh. By James M. Norton
HMS ROSE, Her Continuing Voyages. By James Nelson
Dean's Marine EMDEN. By J.W. Godsell
The Fundamentals of Wood Ship Modeling. Part 1. By Jim Roberts
Lathes and Models. By Ben Lankford
Bread-and-Butter Hull Construction, Part 1. By John Kopf
Modeling the Royal Yacht, FUBBS, Part 3. By Rev. William Romero
America's Cup - 144 Years, Part 2. By PhiI Crowthers
Model Shipway's SULTANA. By Joseph Buonadonna
International Model Show 1996 - London, England. By J.W. Godsell
Kits in Review: Laughing Whale's "FRIENDSHIP SLOOP"
Book Review: City At Sea
Book Review: Royal Yachts in Miniature
