Ships in scale №4, 1997, скачать с сайта - Корабль на столе

Ships in scale №4, 1997

xBOINGx | 0 комментариев | просмотров: 11 | Книги, альбомы, атласы

Описание материала Ships in scale №4, 1997

The Ghost, Grant's Adirondack Guide Boat. By George R. Bullitt
Nineteenth Century Minorcan Shipyard. By Martin Meyer
Born of the Lumber Trade, A Historical Context for the C.A. Thayer. By Stephen Canright
Bluenose, Creation and Evolution of a Ship Model Design, Part 2. By Ben Lankford
Edna Christenson, The 1917 Steam Schooner. By Thomas K. McGoonan
The Making of Hatch Coamings and Their Gratings. By Father William Romero
USS Kearsarge. By Tom Schuster
The Royal Yacht Caroline's Guns. By John Kopf
Orlogsmuseet - Royal Danish Naval Museum. By Scottie Dayton
The Fundamentals of Wood Ship Modeling, Part 6. By Jim Roberts
Building Your Own Glass Case Inexpensively. By Al Niemann
Vigilant, 138 Years of Service. By David M. Hamilton
Rope Coils. By Robert While
