Ships in scale №1, 1996, скачать с сайта - Корабль на столе

Ships in scale №1, 1996

xBOINGx | 0 комментариев | просмотров: 10 | Книги, альбомы, атласы

Описание материала Ships in scale №1, 1996

Modeling the Foochow Pole Junk, Part 1. By Arthur E. Ortner
Abandoned Boat Dioramas. By Al Ross
FAIR AMERICAN. Building your first plank-on-bulkhead model. Part 1. By Robert N. Steinbrunn
New York Harbor Tug, A model of a lug that was never built. By Carson Thomson
A Model of the SS UNITED STATES, Part 2. By Ed Mueller
Gunboats on Lake Ontario in the 1812 War, The first boats, their use. and possible design, Part 1. By Robert Malcomson
Coppering Ship Model Hulls. By Ben Lankford
Sailmaking for the U.S. Revenue Service Cutter, DALLAS, Part 3. By John J. Magna
Loss of the American Steam Schooner DAVENPORT and the Arrival of the Lawhill. By Ron Hang
Building an Amesbury-type (Banks) Dory. By Captain Sam Bell
Kits in Review: Laughing Whale's BOWDOIN
